
I’m Marika. I’m a passionate design strategist, service designer, architectural designer, and urban entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience across 15 countries.

I’ve directly led dozens of design strategy teams, overseen 50-person real estate development teams, keynoted 400-person events, and facilitated 75-person workshops.

My work has been profiled in the New York Times, Vanity Fair, CNN, GOOD Magazine, as part of the AOL Makers series, through two TEDx talks, and in numerous other publications.

I’m an endlessly curious lifelong learner obsessed with using design to build resilient and creative communities and support thriving families.

I love tackling tough projects for the public good, and I’m always excited to sketch, listen, or collaborate on new projects and ideas.

I’m also a mom, an avid traveler, a first-generation American and a dual-citizen, a lover of karaoke, and an aspiring screenwriter and fashion designer. Don’t get in my way in a good thrift store or a good buffet line.

I have lived in:

Berkeley, CA

Providence, RI

New York, NY

Paris, FR

Los Angeles, CA

Cambridge, MA

Oakland, CA

Mumbai, IN

Kigali, RW

London, UK

Nairobi, KE

Cleveland, OH

Email me:

Come visit:
1455 W 29th. St. Cleveland, OH 44113